
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Murray's Lucky 13 Royal Flush Shampoo Review

So much grease so little time..  Always putting pomade in, greasing up, waxing down, on the search for new cans, or trying blends of this and that together.. but sooner or later it all catches up!  Even when I wash my hair thoroughly, there's still residue caked in there.  You know what I mean, take a shower get out and you can style your hair, let it dry and half the time wouldn't even need to put much more grease on top cause it's already there.  Most of these pomades and products are designed to STAY PUT.  Back in the day people might not hop in the shower every day, let alone taking two or more.. and this grease was meant to keep their shit straight throughout the week so it's no wonder it lasts.  

Every once in awhile you need to let your hairs and scalp breathe, the yin and the yang, get your balance up.  Some people say once a week or every other, I say do what you want but it feels good to wipe the slate clean.  Especially if you're using different brands or types throughout the week it all mixes together like cement, wash it out!  

The Royal Flush here is a good place to start.  You might be able to grab it at your barber shop or order some online for about 10$.  A sound investment to counter all the grease you put in.  

Like it says to start dry I drizzled a good bit on top of my hair before I even stepped in the shower.  I let it sit for a minute or two then started to massage it through.. did that for about another minute then jumped in the shower.  Kind of let it do it's thing for another minute, then added a handful of water to work up a lather.  Worked that in, then did the same a couple more times.  Had it going in a thick soapy lather and worked it in real deep, then rinsed it out.  

After that I put in another decent amount, worked it in good and then let it set to permeate my hairs while I took my shower.  After about 5 minutes or so I washed it through with the water and rinsed it out completely.  The one big thing to notice while using it is the scent, it explodes while you're washing your hair and is really really good.  It's a warm clean smell that kind of radiates off your head even when you're done showering you'll smell it lingering nicely til the next time.  

Seems to do the trick pretty well, got most of the grease accumulation out of my hair.  I tried it a couple times, the most recent after using beeswax and copious amounts of dax all week to really test it out.  Now it didn't take everything out completely but I had a whole shitload of crap building up in there.  That and I don't think anything really takes everything out 100% no matter what you use.  For a flushing shampoo though it worked very good and I'd say it's well worth to have around. 

Usually on a heavy wash out I try to do it at night, then it seems if you wash and condition with your regular stuff in the morning your hair is brand new.  Maybe it's just me but when you put some pomade on clean hairs it seems to work a hell of a lot better than any other time.. so it's worth the wash out every now and then.

 Out of all the flushing/removing shampoos I've tried this one definitely smells head and shoulders above the rest hahaa, couldn't resist that one.  But really it is a nice one to have, works good in getting out most of the grease and smells awesome, what more do you need?    


  1. thanks for the review, try Atomic shampoo - the best shampoo for degreasing, wash any pomade even Murray's Superior in one wash

    I know the guy who makes it, and the shampoo really work

    you can buy from here
