
Thursday, August 23, 2012


Good stuff right here, super thick and fluffy, builds up nice and smells great!  My girl got me a little sample pack of their wares and I was hesitant at first and let it sit in my closet for a couple weeks, you know how everyone has their routine worked out, and if it isn't broke right?  Well after her asking me a million times had I used it yet, I went for it.. and messed up pretty bad.  Let me tell you I was pissed at these "Art of Shaving" motherfuckers.. what kind of shit is this?  I was ready to walk in there and cuss someone out..  But my problem was I didn't work it right at all, just put it on with my finger like regular out of the can shaving cream, I mean it says "brush or brushless" right on the package, but don't fall for that.  

To get the best results, you have to prep this cream.. couple drops of water and a nice wet brush in the bowl should do the trick.  They say about an almond size per shave, more or less to taste but either way this can has a lot of almonds for about 20$.  The after shave balm is pretty nice too, but has a heftier tag at 40$ for 3.4 or 20$ for an ounce, which I could see disappearing in about a week.  It does feel really good after a shave though, and leaves your face smelling even better so it might be worth it.  If you're not close to one of the Art Of Shaving stores, you can usually find the products at a big Macy's.

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