
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kuza Beeswax Review

Always been a big fan of beeswax so when I see something new or different on the shelf I always pop the top and take a look.  Seems like there's a million different variations from creams to the water based edgewax.. sometimes you can tell it's one to leave behind, but this one looked like a winner so I grabbed a can for around 3$

Looks like a nice firm wax to me which is what I look for.  Smells like a no frills beeswax should, very reminiscent of the standard issue Murray's version and they both share the same three ingredients: wax, petro, and fragrance.  Already it seems a lot like my old stand by, not a bad thing.  

Scooping in it's solid enough, feels about right to me.. a bit hard to break the surface, but smooths out just a bit softer once you rub it in your palms.  I put it through my hairs without any snags, used just a tiny bit and then combed it through.  No problems so far, got my hairs in place quickly.

Looks a little rough around the edges, but I didn't get my top clipped in as close as usual so it's just the haircut

This was after rocking it for a few hours and a recomb.  I like to see how it's going to look after some time to give you a better feel for it.  Sometimes you can make anything look sweet right out of the can, but halfway through work or your day is when the true test comes into play.  Seemed to hold up ok, but I noticed it didn't feel really sticky, I like that shit that's going to grip your hairs together and hold them super tight throughout the day.  I mean it works enough, but I wouldn't put it in the super strong category.  So though it might look tight in the pictures, after walking in the wind or something things might get a little out of place.  
Worked good enough though, I like it overall.  Gave my hair a bit of a shine, nothing too glossy, and it held up well.  Price is right, smells good, goes in easy, and holds good too.  I've always been partial to the Murray's Beeswax, but I'd say this is the next best in line out of the different ones that I've tried.  I've only seen this at one supply shop and have never seen it before so I picket it up.  If you come across some and like beeswax products I'd say it's worth having in the arsenal.
Probably works great for locks and braids, or if your hair is thicker and or curlier than mine I bet it's real good.  Keep an eye out for it.


Little bit of witch hazel and talcum powder to get that fresh from the shop scent

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shave And A Hair Cut

I'm not an expert in the law but from what my barber tells me using fixed blades is illegal in the US because it can't be sterilized between customers.  This is why most use the cartridge style straight with the replaceable blade.  I've also heard it's against the law to use lather brushes when shaving, something to do with germs transferring.. but at the same time I've been to barber shops where they've used a brush on me so I guess it's up to the shop.

Back in the day before the barber could pull out a fresh blade and snap it into his razor for each customer the shop was entrusted with holding your personal razor and brush.. sometimes even a different razor for each day of the week, where you might see a set up like this here.  Or you might bring a mug in holding your brush and razor which would go in the cabinet until you came in for a morning shave.  

Thinking back to the early 1900s living conditions were completely different.. you might have a cold water flat, no running water or mirror, or a shared bathroom in a tenement building.  I know I hate shaving when my hot water heater is out of juice, cold water doesn't open up your face as good and there's something about having a hot blade that seems to work much better.  Of course I'm spoiled compared to back then, maybe modern living has made us soft but things we take for granted weren't so common even 50 years ago.  What we can do easily in our apartments or homes used to be something you'd have to take to the streets for, maybe wait in line at the barber and have to pay a little something everyday for the service.  Just something to think about next time you lather up.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ultrasonic Signals

Everyone needs a listening room

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nice Cut

Killer cut, fade is on point.. check out his channel for more

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dick Tracy

They're finally making watches we can talk with, hopefully hoverboards are next

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Head Cracks

Having a liberal amount of the proper pomade can be important, just duck and slide