
Monday, April 22, 2013

Are You Experienced?

Redd Foxx, leaning.. did he really drink some for the ad?

Kentucky Fried

Colonel Sanders getting freaky with those chicken wings, looks like he's about to share the secret recipe.

Last One

I got a really good barber now, but man I used to hate being the last one.. you know the barber has been working all day and is probably tired, hungry as hell and trying to get out of there asap to get some food, smoke, a drink, home to his girl or whatever..  Can't help but feel like you're getting jacked a little with a rush job being last on the list.. unless you know your barber of course, otherwise I'd come back tomorrow.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dax Bees Wax Review

dax beeswax

I've tried a lot of different pomades and such, but always end up back at beeswax.  Everybody's got a thing and that's what does it for me..  Been using the Murray's beeswax for awhile now and always wanted to pick up the Dax version.  I tried to put my expectations aside and not compare it to what I'm used to.  I've heard good things about this one so figured it was time.

The smell here is a mix between a clean product scent and what you'd expect from a beeswax.  My girl said it was 'floral' smelling.. now I'm not trying to walk around with floral scented hair so I call it clean.  The Dax BeesWax isn't a straight shot product, they've mixed some royal jelly, mineral oil, petrolatum and some other things in there like Dax likes to do.  These things help soften your hair like the package says..

but the mix really softens up the product too.  Scooping in I'd say it's prob the lightest grease I've ever dealt with.. something you wouldn't expect from a wax.  Immediately this made me doubt it's sculpting/holding properties.. it's super light and comes out soft and slippery like melted butter.

It'll slide off your hands if you don't get it in quick.. but it does work in very smooth no problems there. I put in a decent amount then added some more on top of that.  Works in and styles up with ease.

Has a bit of a drier look which is cool if you're not going for the pound of product in my hair type of look.  Gave my hair a very nice healthy looking sheen, and really softened it up like the bottle says.  Big difference from the hardened crunch of some pomades.  But sometimes I kind of like that crunch, that's what keeps your shit in place throughout the day.  

I tried it out a couple times and yesterday was a windy day and I'll say I can't really see myself using it much.  I need something I can trust is going to keep my shit straight and in place whether working 12 hour days, going to school or going out.  When I was out yesterday, I noticed peoples eyes I was talking to drifting to the top.. I thought that damn wind fucked me up, or maybe it was the wax and when I got back to my car sure enough things were floating all over the place.

You can get a nice style with this, but keeping in place is important

See how it wants to fall down on me?  Seems to hold the style very loosely.  This is just at home, wouldn't last 5 minutes in the street.  I don't want to talk too much shit about it so it is cool in some respects.. goes in and styles up easy, washes out real good the next day.. and leaves your hair soft after the wash or after putting some in.  But all in all this one's not for me.  Might be good if your hair is really short and you want a light grease, or if you want to soften up your dreadlocks or something.. maybe use it as a topper for something heavy.  So I'm sure it has it's place and I've heard of it working great for a lot of people.. and for less than 3$ at most stores it doesn't hurt much to give it a shot if you want.  


Not the chicken nuggets, the art of snapping necks

Friday, April 19, 2013


it's back baby, better than ever

Big Perm

Glad guys don't have to do this, unless you're going for that marcel process or something..  I remember having to sit there with my mom as a kid..  "Where we going mom?" to get a haircut.. "A perm too?"  not the perm!!  seemed like 3 hours I'd be sitting there flipping through every magazine in the joint.

Fresh Fade

murrays beeswax

Brought to you by the Berkley Chop Shop and Murray's Beeswax

Just In

Grabbed some new stock, been wanting to try these for awhile.. stay tuned

Keep it Moving

Dig that phone and cash register

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Get it Freddie, best in my book.. here w Ron Carter, Eric Gale, Stanley Turrentine

All Purpose Multi Tool

For any situation you might find yourself in


Getting stocked up on some new shit..  Detroit city where every block is a liquor store, barber shop, coney island, dollar store, beauty supply, drug store.. then repeat.  Block after block, mile after mile.. they say it's something like the hair capital which is cool for me cause these joints have more pomade than you can pick from and they're all super cheap.  Not to mention we're the home of Murray's after they made the jump from Chicago back in the day.. they bottle up about 6 blocks down the road from me.  Some people pick up a 3$ 22oz on the way home from work, I grab a new can of grease.

Dax Vegetable Oil Shampoo

dax vegetable shampoo

No matter how much you like greasing up your hair, always looking for the right product or combinations of to get the slick back shiny hold all day oily perfection there always comes a time to clean the slate.  Got to face the music, the shit cakes up after awhile especially if you're using some serious stuff or have long hair.  Washing it just seems to cement it in more.. the water hits it and the product puts up the forcefield protection like fuck you I'm not going anywhere.  My girl always jokes with me when we go swimming, saying I'll swim across the pool and come up on the other side with all my hairs still in place.  

There are various methods out there and some people say to use vegetable oil, Dax took this a step up for you with the shampoo here.  I usually use the Dax removing shampoo and conditioner but didn't have enough money on me to grab both bottles on the re up so I picked this up instead for something like 3$ I think.  

Time to put it to work..  I used a very generous amount and shampooed the hell out of my hair for a couple minutes, rinsed and did it again.  I like the smell of this, I guess kind of like vegetable oil.. a bit earthy but clean like shampoo.  This one doesn't have a conditioner counter part so I tried conditioning with the Dax restoring conditioner, my regular conditioner, and none at all at different times.

It does cut into the product and get a decent amount out but not a whole lot more than regular shampoo.    Maybe I'm spoiled on the removing shampoo, but I don't think the vegetable oil stacks up to that.  Something I noticed is it leaves a bit of weight in your hair, not really a residue but it is oil your working with.  I use it at night after work and even after a regular wash in the morning there seems to be something lingering in my hair that wants to fight with my product.  I mean when I put product in the next day it doesn't behave quite the same as it normally would.  With that in mind I think it works better with some kind of conditioner after the oil wash to bring your hair back to life.  It's not terrible or even hugely noticeable it just seems the day after using it my hair is a little crunchier after I put in pomade or wax.

Regardless it's worth picking up for a couple bucks, got to keep a couple weapons in the degreasing arsenal.  I use it maybe once or twice a week to keep from getting too much product build up.  I just wouldn't use it in the morning or before going out because it is vegetable oil and although it cuts the grease out it still wraps around your hair and wants to stay in.  We all know that water and oil don't mix so this should be expected, just have to take that into account when using it.

The newer bottles have a red and white packaging, grab some at Dax online
or your local supply store.

dax shampoo review

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Space Walk

Remember how mad Dr Evil's #2 got for being second place?  No one wants to be 3rd.. you can tell this guy's pissed off.


Who doesn't like Eva Mendes?  Shit, I think even most women think she's sexy.  From the madonna style brassiere, to the potato chips and whatever she's doing looking out the window.. she's doing her thing and doing it good.  Here's some shots from a session she did with Vogue magazine in Italy... wish they did cool stuff like this in the states.