
Hair Cut

Guess sometimes you gotta say goodbye

Cut about 3/4s of my hair off.. went for a pretty high fade, felt pretty damn naked for about a week but now it's cool

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Perfect Match

wave and groom dax

Time to team up big brother and little cousin.. everyone likes to take a dibble of this and a dab of that, trying to come up with something new but this is one of those times you just know is going to work out great before you even get them together.  

The Wave and Groom is classic Dax, numero uno papi chulo standard issue OG style.. and the Neat Waves is the new kid on the block.  I read they made the Neat Waves to target people who mix their products.. you can tell by the consistency it's not as light and greasy as their blue can Short and Neat but not as hard core as the red can.  Although I love it as a stand alone it seems to make my hair softer the longer I have it in,  which is cool but I need to add more throughout the day and sometimes I need a little crunch for height and hold if you know what I mean.  When I use the wave and groom by itself the crunch can be a bit too much and I have to tame hairs that want to stick straight out in the back.  So seems logical to get the best of both worlds.

Probably should've took some shots of the product here but you know what it looks like.  I took about a finger of the strong and just a bit more of the orange (40/60 red:orange) in the palm of my hand and homogenized them together.  These two are made for this shit I swear, they blend seamless and quick like they're waiting for it.. and they both have the same awesome scent.  Rub the blend with my palms and put it to work.  Goes in and combs up super easy, the orange softens the red perfectly.. the wave and groom will give you as much height as you want and the neat waves keep it easy to style.

dax wave

neat waves

I got for something like this, but it would hold a high pomp or whatever else easy throughout the day.

A nice strong blend of these in the morning will keep you going through a 12 hour shift.  Recombs with ease whenever you need it.  If you've got one sitting in the closet without the other, grab it's counter part.. well worth it for 3$.  Go to the beauty supply or cruise over to 

wave and groom