
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cooling Out

Forget smoking in the boys room, just go to the department store.  Ha, I can't front though I remember people smoking in malls growing up, even as a teenager.. but it seems so crazy now. 

Sportin' Waves Review

sportin waves

sportin waves review

Grabbed a can of this for 3$, figured I'd give it a shot.  Max hold, easy in and out it says.. time to see. 

Looks like anything could happen, sometimes stuff that looks hard scoops out butter soft..  Smells ok, nothing remarkable but not unpleasant.  Getting in it feels kind of waxy and on the tougher side, which I like.. but softens up real quick once you rub it in your palm, another plus.

Applied a decent amount, worked in with ease and styled nicely.  I could tell it was a winner just combing it through.. gave my hair a lot of volume, but stayed controllable.  Pretty slick stuff I'd say, it put my hairs right into place and stacked them high.   

These pics were halfway through an 11 hour shift too, so I had been sporting it for awhile just recombed.. so it does hold nice like it says.  Also gave me kind of a matte finish which is cool, you can see on the side it almost looks dry.  The only thing it didn't do that the cap said, was wash out easy.. but hey, you can't win'em all right?  If it's going to hold usually that's the sacrifice, but it doesn't stay in as tough as some products.. so it really wasn't too bad in that respect.  All in all, I like it a lot and used it for a couple weeks straight.  Definitely worth the money, but watch out if you smoke.. and uhh, keep away from the kids,  there's some serious shit in there!  Hahaa

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dax Wave and Groom Review

Dax wave and groom

Always see this stuff at the store, popped the top many times to check it out so I figured it was time.  Especially for short hair?  Hmm, never been one to let a few words stop me, so time to dig in.  

dax wave groom review 
Maybe it's just me but when I think of a dressing, usually they're super light and real greasy.. this looked more on par with some serious pomade so I got ready for toughness that wasn't there.  Surprisingly it's real soft straight out of the can, so I buttered up.. maybe a bit too much.  Worked in easy, and smells pretty good, the classic Dax scent but not over powering.  

Made my hairs manageable for the most part, but seemed to want to grab each individual hair and wrap it in grease.  Kind of made it a little crunchy and wanting to stick out like the side there.  I thought I could use the crunch to get some extra height, which worked.. or if you're going for something that will stick up and out real far this might be it.  But for me it did that to the back.

I tried combing and brushing the hell out of it, let the Dax work it's way in for more than an hour, came back and tried again but it just wasn't staying down.  Huh, with most everything I use.. my back will lay right but something about the Dax shot it out, which might be a deal breaker for me.  I thought maybe I put too much in, or even though I did this after a wash it might've been fighting all the beeswax residue in my hair.  I haven't given up completely on the Wave and Groom, but will try it next time with a little less and after a serious wash out.

I think like the can says, short hair might be cool with it, or even a notch or two longer than mine and everything would be sitting better.  Overall not bad, not my favorite but I like the smell and the way it works in.  I have a feeling mixing this with the Neat Waves would be perfect, but like to try things solo the first time.  If you're going for a super high pomp, or are looking for a softer alternative to the Murray's Superior this would be it.  Worth a shot for 3$ look for the red can, my shot made it look orange.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

American Crew Fiber Review

american crew fiber review

Saw this stuff and was interested that it claimed to be 'high hold low shine'.  I'm always searching for something I can style with, but won't look like there's any product in my hair.. looking at the texture in the store made me wonder if this just might be the one.

American Crew Fiber Review

Not a lick of shine in there, all matte.  Smell is clean and very light.

Digging in was tougher than most product, this shit wants to fight back when you go in.. almost a rubber like bounce back to it.  Usually I rub circles with my finger to warm it up before going for the palm spread, but this didn't want to stick together.  Eventually I got it spread ok, then went to put it in and man, this stuff is sticky as hell.  You don't want to move too fast going through or you might lose some hair.  

Before I got it I heard the Fiber was better for short hair styles and all that but said forget it, I'll give it a shot.  When I was putting it in, I thought damn.. maybe they were right?  You have to get it in quick before it dries and disappears on your hands, and to avoid ripping out my hair I couldn't run it straight through so it just spiked my hair straight up.  When I went to comb it in better I had to move real careful cause there was a ton of knots and tangles or just hairs stuck together.. this is some powerful shit here.  Not one to give up easy I forged through and got it combed, without losing much.    

After I got it cooperating it was pretty nice.  The only bad thing I could say would be it kind of stuck my hairs on the side together and they stuck out, maybe I put too much in over there but fixed it with a little bristle brushing.  Other than that it was cool.. after it was in for awhile, seemed to warm up and was a lot easier to manage than the first run through.  

Definitely a drier, low shine look so it does what it says.  I would say it probably does work better if you have shorter hair, or maybe rubbed in half a dab of Brylcreem first to soften the application otherwise watch out for ripping.  But every product is different and some have a curve to them, but once past that can be worth it.  Overall I like the Fiber, holds well enough, easy to run your fingers through or re comb, smells good and mostly if you're going for the extra low shine this is the one.